Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What I am Learning: Digital Story Reflection

Digital Story Reflection
Westland Elementary School is a traditional calendar school located in the middle part of West Jordan, Utah at 2925 West 7180 South. Westland Elementary was opened in 1972 and was remodeled in 1996. Westland is one of 32 schools in Jordan District. The Jordan District serves more than 49,000 children living in the communities of Bluffdale, Copperton, Herriman, Riverton, South Jordan, and West Jordan. Utah. My cooperating teacher was Sara Weston, 4th grade. Ms. Weston’s class is made up of 28 fourth graders- 18 girls and 10 boys. The students range in age from 8 to 9 years old. Twenty-four students are Caucasian, 4 Hispanic, and one  Polynesian.

We developed a good relationship with Ms. Weston over the course of the field experience. She was willing to answer any questions that we had about her classroom and supported the completion of all of our required field assignments. She was impressed with our digital story and said it looked like we had put a lot of time and work into creating it; however, she said that as a teacher it is not a realistic use of her time. She could find a video created professionally that would be as applicable to the lesson without all of the extra time spent creating it.

Though Ms. Weston cooperated with the completion of the lesson we gave her on how to create a digital story, she felt it was a waste of time. She did not understand how it was applicable to our training to be better teachers, especially because she will never use the information she gained from the lesson. She felt that we knew how to make a digital story, and that we were comfortable during the instruction.

The training session with Miss Weston went well.  She was very cooperative and listened as we showed her our digital story and then continued to show her the program we used and how to use it.  Miss Weston thought we did a good job on our digital story and found it neat that we were able to make it.  However, she said it was not  a useful product for her and that she would not use it in her classroom. She said if she were to use a digital story she would find a more applicable one online. This way it would save her a bunch of time and unnecessary work to make one herself and it would be more professional.  

The service-learning experience went fine.  We did a good job in showing/teaching Miss Weston our digital story; however, she found it not applicable to her.  She told us that she would never use a program like this to make a digitial story and that it would take up too much of her time.  Based on our discussion with her, we found the service-learning experience to not be effective.  It also took up a lot of time to complete to simply show to the class for a few minutes.

Our cooperating teacher did not gain a lot from the experience.  As we have stated above, she found it unnecessary for her class and would find a different way to get the information across.  She stated that teachers are very busy already, and having to make her own digital story would simply take too much time. She did think the program was creative but would not use it in her teaching career.

From this experience I learned how to create a digital story and use a program I would otherwise never have learned.  I learned that college students can make a great tool engage students. However, I learned that making a digital story is far too time consuming and that the time making it and preparing it for the students is not worth the effort. There are more professional videos available to use.

The digital story in my opinion was not worth the time and effort.  We put a lot of work, time, and consideration into making this video for us to find out that it was not necessary.  I don’t believe the students learned more or benefited more because we made the video.  If I were to use a digital story when I am a teacher I would find an applicable one that was professionally made. This would save time.  Therefore, I did not find this assignment worth my time when there are already many great tools, resources, and videos to use.

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