Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blog #5

For this blog, please find two different places where Carol makes a statement or quotes someone else, and this statement really touches you...  really calls to your heart.

In your blog response, for each statement, give the page number where it is found in the book, copy the most important portion of the statement, and briefly tell why it matters to you -- why it has significant meaning for you.  (Please do not use the quotes printed right underneath the chapter titles).

Pg 19
"In fact, because students do differ-so greatly, the premise of differentiation is that while students have the same basic needs, those needs will manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the students gender, culture, general life experiences, talents, interests, learning preferences, affective development, cognitive development, & support systems. Thus, the philosophy of differentiation suggests the same classroom often affects different learners in different ways.

This quote from Carol's book really spoke to me because of our multi-cultural understanding course we took last semester. It made me reflect on how many differences I may have in my classroom. Some teachers may look at is as a struggle to differentiate and know the different needs of their students. However, this is not the case for me. I look at the differences of my students as opportunities to learn something new and different from me. I look at it as my own learning experience. I also appreciate the phrase "those needs will manifest themselves in different ways" This spoke to me because I hope to provide a classroom that will allow my students to"blend out". Meaning that their differences will be present and they can discover who they are and know what they need.

Pg. 33 

"The nature of schools is such that teachers must continually address critical problems, serving largely as an expert "team of one". Wise teachers expand their team in a variety of ways--forming partnerships with their students, establishing relationships with like-minded peers who serve as "critical friends," drawing on the expertise of specialists in the building, and actively pursuing advanced professional knowledge through universities, books, and high-quality staff development.

This really spoke to me because I am a firm believer in the importance of team work and collaborative thinking.  I know that my idea may be a good one, but someone might have a better one. It is important to work well with the team in your school and the other members of the faculty as well as keep in touch with contacts you make through out your life because you never know when you will need to collaborate with them to help one of your students. 


  1. You're approaching your internship with a gifted insight into balancing humility with diligence and mutual respect for those you will be working with. 4 points

  2. I love what you said, "I also appreciate the phrase "those needs will manifest themselves in different ways" This spoke to me because I hope to provide a classroom that will allow my students to "blend out". Meaning that their differences will be present and they can discover who they are and know what they need." I also feel that it is so important to provide a classroom where students can discover who they are and know what they need individually. "Blending out" is such a cute way of saying everyone is different and will stand out in a different way. You can definitely use it with your students! You are going to make an incredible teacher Rheanna. :)
