Monday, September 13, 2010

What am I learning: google part 2

What? This week in class we created a Class website linked to our Gmail account. The Website should have 6 pages. 

So What? 

As a teacher creating this site will help me to keep all of my teaching material, calendars, lesson plans, and announcements in one location. It will be a great help to keep myself, my students, and my parents up to date with what is going on in my classroom. This technology will be great to help me if I ever need to transfer my files to a colleague that would like to use my materials.
Now What? 

Because students are very aware of how to use technology, having this site will help them to keep to keep organized as well. If they have any questions on assignments or missed a day of class this site will allow them to email me and look up on the calendar what they miss if they are absent. I think this will help me to be a more organized and efficient teacher. This is a great tool to use in the classroom. My students can interact together on the site as they work on 
group projects.

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