Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What am I learning: October 21, 2010

This week in class we worked on our Digital Stories in class and researched different acts and laws having to do with copyright. It was really interesting to learn about the different laws and acts.

Monday, October 11, 2010

What am I learning: Digital Story 1


This week we learned how to format a story board for our Digital Story. We watched a lot of great examples of how our digital story should evoke emotion, and tell a story.
So What? 
I think that learning each of the steps to making a digital story week by week will solidify my ability to create a digital story. As a future teacher, learning this will allow me to teach my students these skills as well my colleagues. We are learning this so we can have another tool to use to grasp and hook our students on what we are learning.

Now What? 
I would really like to teach this skill to my future students, I think it will be a great tool for them to use as they continue their education. I could even make this a collaborative assignment to help the students learn how to work in group. This skill can be used and integrated with any other core. it is a great skill to have.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Key Assignment: Vidcast Reflection

Key Assignment: Vidcast Reflection

The name of our vidcast is The 3 R’s, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. This vidcast meets the Health Education curriculum for grades 4-6, Standard 3, The students will understand and respect self and others related to human development and relationships, objective 1, Practice ways of showing respect for self and others.
We chose to do our vidcast on recycling because we feel that while it is important for students to show respect to their family members and peers, it is also important for them to learn to respect their surrounding environment. We believe that part of respecting others is to understand that where we live, where we go to school, or where we play is home to everyone. We all deserve to have a nice place to live. Students will benefit from the vidcast. It will teach them to treat their surroundings with respect; they will learn to take care of what they have.
Our vidcast relates to the Health Education Standard 3, by allowing the students to develop knowledge about different ways to respect those around us. Recycling is a form of respect to others because it makes it so future generations will have everything that we have. It is also a form of respect because it keeps our earth clean for everyone.
The potential drawback of using this vidcast in the classroom, is that students’ may not receive support at home helping them to recycle. Though this is a drawback, recycling in the classroom will be enforced. This may help students want to continue to recycle in the future. We plan to show this to our future students to initiate recycling in the classroom at the beginning of the year. We will track how much we recycle each month, and see what we have preserved by doing so.