Sunday, November 28, 2010

What am I learning: Field Week 3

We used our digital story as part of our lesson. The students were impressed by the fact that we made a movie, and asked their teacher if they could learn how to make one themselves. Our class really enjoys technology. The only problem I found with using the Digital story was that our students were not engaged during the movie. It was hard to keep them focused, they spent a lot of the time visiting with their neighbors.

I have learned that using technology as a teacher is very important. It gives a variety to lesson plans, as well as provides examples of the technologies available to the students. Field has been a great experience and I feel like I have learned and improved a lot.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What I am learning: Field Week 2

This was our week to teach our lessons. For our technology rich lesson, we decided to have our class research Utah's Native American Tribes using the mobile computer labs. We brought in a lap top for each student and gave them different topics to research. The kids loved getting to find information using the laptops instead of a worksheet or a text book. The lesson didn't go exactly as planned but the students really enjoyed it. We also showed our Digital Story this week. The kids enjoyed it and were impressed that we made it ourselves.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What am I learning: Field 11/3-11/10

Our first week of field we have spent most of our time observing, as well as preparing our lesson plans. Our digital story is coming great. we decided we wanted to tell the story of the Utah of the Native Americans and tell how they have impacted us. We have our storyboard complete, and all of the pictures lined up. We are ready to put music to the lineup this week.
We have also finished preparing our technology rich lesson. We are going to show our Digital story to our students to introduce our Native American Unit, and then have the students work in Cooperative Learning Groups researching the different tribes. It is part of the 4th grade curriculum to learn to use search engines, and use the internet to do research. We hope it will go according to plan, keep you posted.
As far as the Technology our class is learning, they are developing their typing skills. Most students are working on the home row in their keyboarding rotation but a few are on other rows.
Until next week....